Thursday, January 5, 2012

"I promise I do like babies": An Explanation

Before anyone poops their pants, let me explain: "dear damn baby" is a reference from the movie "Waitress" starring Keri Russell.  She finds herself unexpectedly pregnant and frequently talks aloud/writes to said baby (often about the pies she's making).  She often starts these speeches/letters with "dear damn baby."
I, in no way, think babies (particularly mine) are bad/damning/stupid, etc. It was something I would (jokingly) say and think while I was pregnant. Example: "Dear damn baby, why can't I have some chicken salad? Dear damn baby, stop ninja kicking my ribs." That sort of thing.
Obviously, I am no longer pregnant, evidenced by the large baby sitting next to me, but I still like the phrase. It really rolls off the tongue. Really, it fits a number of situations depending on the emphasis.
For example:
 -the above-mentioned address to actual baby, whether in utero or out, when baby is doing something particularly annoying/gross/troublesome. "Dear damn baby, way to poop up your back." "Dear damn baby, thanks for making me want to only eat bagels." "Dear damn baby, diapers cost a lot." You get the idea.
-with different emphasis, "dear" can sound more affectionate: "Dear damn baby, you are ridiculously cute." More of an adjective than an address.  I like to think of it as almost hyphenated "dear-damn."  Which is a pretty accurate description of babies: dear dear dear babies that do damn damn damn things. You know, parenting being the most wonderful and difficult thing in the world. Ever. For this reason, it is good to remember to emphasize the "dear."  Dear-damn baby, you are first dear. So so so dear. 
- a combination of the above two: it is both a wonderful way to release stress and a mantra of thankfulness.  I use it both ways many times a day.

That's what my crazy mind rests on, so I thought I'd share. I'd love to tell you that my posts will get more normal or serious or appropriate, but let's be honest, they won't. 

Caveat emptor, or whatever the equivalent is for blog-reading. 

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